Sugar Daddies, Mommies Sought
Two projects need to get done, and I can’t fund them. Therefor I’m seeking folks to help. Here are the projects:
1. Complete the computer game “Card Slingers.” Funds are needed to help with production costs including student expenses and audio support for sound track (score) and voiceovers.
2. Video production of a screen version of the 1st chapter of my new ebook Simplicity Bridge ( or promo/pdf). I have the actors (see them in my former videos at and can get them for a reasonable fee, but the crew and post production work will cost some serious bucks.
Here is what I propose. Anyone can give anyone else $11,000 as a non-taxable but non-deductible gift. (At least that’s what it was last time I looked; it may be higher now.) Anyway, If ten people gift me $11,000 each I’ll have $110,000 to get this done, with completion target NLT April 30 2010. The completed products will be made available to the public FREE. Thus, there will be a fun video game teaching bridge (Card Slingers) and a video of real good looking, athletic looking kids actually learning how to play the game. Anyone can then use these to promote the game.
Waddaya think?